The COOU Journal of Public Administration, an International, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, is now welcoming submissions for its future issues. Sponsored by TETFund, the journal seeks to publish original research manuscripts (quantitative and qualitative), book reviews, and other scholarly articles focusing on public sector studies, development studies, public financial management, human resource management, and contemporary issues in public administration and related disciplines. The journal aspires to serve as a significant platform for academic contributions to current intellectual debates.

Author(s) Guideline

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted as MS Word attachment on the journal’s email address: obiea@coou.edu.ng, ru.onyekwelu@coou.edu.ng or ee.dike@coou.edu.ng
  2. Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font size and not exceeding 16 pages on an A4 size paper and 2.0 line spacing. The margin should be one inch on both sides.
  3. The first page of every manuscript should contain only the name(s), institutional affiliation of the author(s) and the functional email and phone number(s) of at least the lead author in the case of multiple authors.

Manuscript formatting

i. Title of Paper: The title of the paper should be concise, topical and addresses the content of the work. It should be written in initial cap format

ii. Abstract: The abstract should be single line spacing and not more than 250 words. It should be able to provide a synopsis of the work; containing the objectives(s), methodology, finding(s), conclusion and probably the recommendation(s). The keywords should not be more than five.

iii. References: The referencing pattern is APA 7th edition.

Indexing: COOUJPA is indexed in Google Scholar.

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Prof. Ego E. Dike



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